13 Moons Reading Challenge 2024 Tracker
4 min readDec 15, 2023
Partial Lunar Eclipse: 26 books — fulfill at least one prompt from each category
Wolf Moon
- A Stand Alone Novel (Anggara Kasih) 8–9 Jan ✓
- A furry creature on the cover
- Hair on the cover
- The words Straight, Waves, or Curly in the title
- Hair color in the title (Song of Silver, Flame Like Night) 2–7 Jan ✓
- A book about found family
- A book about adoption
- A book with a hierarchy
Snow Moon
- The word White in the title (Dark Star Burning, Ash Falls White) 29 Jan-3 Feb ✓
- Blanket on the cover
- Read a book while drinking a hot beverage
- Read a book while burning a candle
- Hat/Cap on the cover
- A book about mountains
- A book about a fresh start or a new beginning
- A book with necromancy themes
Worm Moon
- Read a book in a series with more than 5 books
- A book about rebirth or reincarnation
- A cozy book
- Book about insects
- Continue a series ( The Land of Lost Things) 3 Feb
- It's a book that gives you the creeps
- A book you’re not sure about
- A book you’re thinking of unhauling
Pink Moon
- A book with a princess (Immortal Longings)
- A book about women's empowerment
- A pink object on the cover
- A book recommended by a celebrity
- A book that tickles you pink
- A coming-of-age book
- A celebrity memoir
- Start a book on a new moon
Flower Moon
- Book by a BIPOC author
- Book about friendship (The Girl and the Ghost)
- A book club pick
- Book with an animated cover
- Book with a character named after a flower (Yellowface)
- A speculative fiction
- A book set in spring
- Read a book at any time of the day
Strawberry Moon
- Read a book from your backlist
- Read a book with Bubbles on the cover
- A book with less than 400 pages (Toko Jajanan Ajaib Zenitendo 2)
- Book you see trending on social media
- Read a book from an author that is new to you (Mythos-The Greek Myths Retold) 17–29 Jan ✓
- A debut novel (Di Balik Jendela) 2–3 Jan ✓
- Book with the word Leaf in the title
- Book about swimming
Buck Moon
- A book that has multiple editions
- A Paperback
- A book recommended by a friend
- A biography
- A book you’re seeing everywhere
- A 2024 release (Tragedi Pedang Keadilan) 13–15 Jan ✓
- A 5-star prediction
- Book with a Man on the cover
Sturgeon Moon
- Book with a map
- A book that people have been forcing you to read
- Book with a title that starts with the first letter of your name (Foul Heart Huntsman)
- Book you hauled recently
- Book with a Tree on the cover (Circe)
- Book with the word Can’t in the title
- Book with a dark cover (Jejak Balak)
- A novella
Harvest Moon
- An Anthology (The Gathering Dark) 18–22 Jan ✓
- A book you had to read for an assignment
- A book with a movie adaptation (The Black Phone)
- Book you’d recommend to somebody else
- A book chosen by somebody else
- Book with a Fish on the cover
- Fruit in the title
- A book about a celebration
Hunter’s Moon
- Book about food
- A book set in Europe (Don Quixote) 1 Feb
- Book with an Umbrella on the cover
- A book about a topic you’re curious about (The Mythology of Fairies)
- An award-winning book
- Read the 7th book on your shelf
- Book with Buildings on the cover
- A book divided into parts (The Only Child)
Beaver Moon
- A book about a psychological phenomenon
- Book with the word Five in the title
- Book with a Street on the cover
- Start a book in the evening (Toko Jajanan Ajaib Zenitendo 1)
- A book about a specific country (Ensiklopedi Raja-Raja dan Istri-Istri Raja di Tanah Jawa)
- A book from your monthly TBR
- Book with a cover you don’t like
- A book about a single-parent
Cold Moon
- A book set in the medieval times (The Forest of Stolen Girls)
- Book with a Spider on the cover
- Read a book while wearing a pair of socks
- A memoir
- A book about a historical event
- Book with a character’s name in the title (Belenggu Ilse)
- Book you think you will love
- Book from a Goodreads shelf
Blue Moon
- Book with a unique format
- Read a classic
- Book with 3 or more people on the cover (The World Called Children)
- Book recommended by your favorite social media influencer
- Book with a dramatic title (Perkumpulan Anak Luar Nikah)
- Book with a Dagger in the story
- A book set in high school
- A book about a spy (Mata Hari)